Yoga, in essence, is the synthesis of the body and mind, created through the awareness of breath and the marriage of both movement and stillness. The translation of “yoga” is to bind; yoke; unite. A union of both mental and physical discipline for which there are many benefits. Yoga teaches us to live in a more present way, experiencing life as it happens in each moment, instead of focusing all our attention on the past or the future. The more presence of mind we have, the more of our life we can experience fully. Yoga also teaches us the power of the breath in regulating our nervous system and the homoeostasis within the body.
Many styles of yoga are practiced through physical movement, such as, Vinyasa Flow, which links postures through a series of flowing sequences. These physical practices are designed to strengthen and stabilise the body, working through every muscle group, building strength from head to toe. Yoga also helps to mobilise stiff joints and lengthen tight muscles, through active, passive and dynamic stretches. Practices like, Vinyasa, encourage a union between mind; body; breath and movement. The practice becomes a moving meditation that creates a strong mental and physical self.
Vinyasa Flow is open to all levels from beginner to advanced. There is something in it for everyone as every individual is encouraged to practice at their own level. All postures can be modified and adapted to suit each student’s physical needs and level of practice.

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